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研究领域: 视觉 感知觉 决策 认知模型


 《Introduction to Psychology》(全英文课程)、《普通心理学》、《关系心理学》等


1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目 “信息交流对异质性团体感知觉决策的影响研究:基于认知计算的动态优势表征”
2. 湖北省教育厅哲学社会科学研究项目 “数字信息时代下大学生识别诈骗信息及提升反诈能力的心理机制:基于认知计算建模”
3. 教育部“春晖计划”合作科研项目 “事件边界在风险决策过程中的影响机制”


1. Zhang, H., Garrett, P. M., Houpt, J.W., Lin, P-Y., Yang, C-T. (2023) Chinese holistic processing: Evidence from cognitive mental architecture using Systems Factorial Technology. Heliyon
2. Zhang, H., Garrett, P. M., Lin, P-Y., Houpt, J.W., Yang, C-T. (2023) Visual word processing efficiency for Chinese characters and English words. Acta Psychologica. 238,
3. Zhu, P-F., Zhang, H., Hsieh, C., and Yang, C-T. (2023) Using systems factorial technology to investigate collective benefit in group decision-making. Chinese Journal of Psychology [中华心理学刊], 35(1), 41-58.
4. Zhang, H*, Hung, S-W.*, Ku, J-W., Tseng, P., Lu, Y-H., Yang, C-T. (2023) Hip Fracture or Not? The Reversed Prevalence Effect Among Non-experts Diagnosis, Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications (*Co-first author).
5. Zhang, H., Moisan, F., Aggarwal., P. and Gonzalez. C. (2022) Truth-telling in a sender-receiver game: social value orientation and incentives. Symmetry. 14(8), 1561.
6. Zhang, H., Moisan, F. and Gonzalez. C. (2021) Rock-Paper-Scissors Play: Beyond the Win-Stay/Lose-Change Strategy. Games. 12(3): 52.
7. Zhang, H. and Houpt, J.W. (2020) Exaggerated prevalence effect with the explicit prevalence information: the description-experience gap in visual search. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 82, 3340-3356.
8. Zhang, H., Houpt, J. W., and Harel, A. (2019). Establishing reference scales for scene naturalness and openness. Behavior Research Methods, 51, 1179-1186.

1. Zhang, H., Moisan, F. and Gonzalez, C. (2020). Paper-Rock-Scissors: an exploration of the dynamics of players’ strategies. In Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Sage.
2. Zhang, H. and Houpt, J. W. (2018). When visual search target is rare: overweighting or under weighting the probability?. In Proceedings of the 62th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Sage.
3. Zhang, H. and Houpt, J. W. (2016). Assessing multispectral image fusion with systems factorial technology. In Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Sage.

Women of MathPsych Networking Award, 2018
Graduate School Student Excellent Award (WSU), 2018
Medical Image Perception Society Scholarship, 2017
Graduate Student Assembly Professional Development Grant (WSU), 2017
Student Author Presentation Support Award (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society), 2016
Best Student Paper of Human Performance Modeling Group (Human Factors and Ergonomics Society), 2016
Society for Mathematical Psychology Student Travel Award, 2016

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