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立心 明理 好学 笃行

凝心聚力 争创一流



研究领域: (1)工作不安全感;(2)工作压力;(3)零工劳动者工作体验。


2019年10月-2020年10月:鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)心理学与教育学学院 访问学者
2016年09月-2020年06月:华中科技大学 工商管理专业  博士
2015年09月-2016年06月:华中科技大学 企业管理专业  硕士
2013年03月-2015年06月:中南财经政法大学 经济法学  学士(双学位)
2011年09月-2015年06月:武汉理工大学 人力资源管理专业  学士





1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目“工作替代还是工作转型?人工智能背景下的技术型工作不安全感研究”(研究周期:2023-2025)
2. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“数智化背景下的社会-技术失衡对职场物化的影响机制:认知与动机视角”(研究周期:2024-2027)
3. 参与国家自然科学基金青年项目“工作重塑的多水平模型:基于心理所有权的视角”(研究周期:2018-2020)
4. 参与国家自然科学基金面上项目“知恩图报还是恩将仇报?帮助者和受助者互动视角的帮助行为研究”(研究周期:2018-2021)


Journal articles
1.Tu, Y., Wang, H. J., Jiang, L., De Witte, H., & Long, L. R. (2024). Tasks at hand or more challenges: The roles of regulatory focus and job insecurity in predicting work behaviours. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
2.Tu, Y., Jiang, L., Long, L. R., & Wang, L. (2022). Leader secure-base support and organizational learning culture: synergetic effects on employee state promotion focus and approach job crafting. Career Development International, 27(5), 547-561.
3.Tu, Y., Long, L. R., Wang, H. J., & Jiang, L. (2020). To prevent or to promote: How regulatory focus moderates the differentiated effects of quantitative versus qualitative job insecurity on employee stress and motivation. International Journal of Stress Management, 27(2), 135–145.
4.Long, L. R., Tu, Y., Wang, H. J., & Jiang, L. (2022). The content of the threat matters: The differential effects of quantitative and qualitative job insecurity on different types of employee motivation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37(2), 297-310. (co-first author)
5.Li, Z., Zou, H. Y., Wang, H. J., Jiang, L., Tu, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Qualitative job insecurity, negative work-related affect and work-to-family conflict: The moderating role of core self-evaluations. Journal of Career Development, 50(1), 216-233.
6.涂艳, 蒿坡, & 龙立荣. (2023). 工作替代还是工作转型?技术型工作不安全感的内涵,影响后果及来源. 心理科学进展, 31(8), 1359-1373.
7.王林琳, 张凤羽, 涂艳, & 张璇. (2021). 个别协议对旁观者的双刃剑效应. 中国人力资源开发, 038(009), 63-75.(通讯作者)

Conference presentations
1.Yan Tu, Li-Rong Long, Li-Xin Jiang, Ziyi Li (2019, August). Mediators and Moderators in the Linkage between Job Insecurity and Goal Orientation. Presentation at the 79th Annual Conference of the Academy of Management, USA.
2.Yan Tu, Hai-Jiang Wang, Li-Rong Long (2018, April). The Interactive Effects of Job Insecurity and Regulatory Focus on Employee Outcomes. Presentation at the 33rd Annual Conference of Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, USA.
3.Yan Tu, Hai-Jiang Wang, Li-Rong Long (2018, June). Job Insecurity and Employee Performance and Wellbeing Outcomes: Organizational Identification as a Double-Edged Sword. Presentation at the 8th Annual Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research, China.
4.Yan Tu, Hai-Jiang Wang, Li-Rong Long (2018, November). Career uncertainty as a double-edged sword: the role of psychological safety and leader delegation in Career uncertainty-job performance relationship. Presentation at the 2018 Annual Conference of Human Resources Development of China, China. Best Paper Award.
5.Sheng-Qiang Cheng, Yan Tu, Hai-Jiang Wang (2018, September). How Newcomers with High Core Self-Evaluations Achieve Work Meaning and Insider-status: the Role of Job Crating and Leader Coaching Behavior. Presentation at the 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, Portugal.


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