Email: psyhongwei@ccnu.edu.cn
2024.2 至今,华中师范大学,特任副研究员
期刊审稿人:Learning & Instruction, Computers in Human Behavior, New Media & Society, Frontiers in Psychology, BMC Psychology
1 国家社会科学基金青年项目,数字生态下电子休闲行为的自我许可效应研究(2024至今),在研
2 中国博士后科学基金第76批面上资助,数字生态下学龄前儿童电子媒体使用:基于PPCT模型的精准干预研究(2024至今),在研
1 国家社会科学基金,中小学生手机使用行为及其影响因素研究(2017-2022),核心参与者
2 北京市教育科学规划优先关注课题,中小学生自主学习能力及其提升策略的研究(2022至今),主要参与者
3 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目,中小学生数学学习投入的发展与影响机制研究(2016-2018),主要参与者
Hong, W., Star, J. R., Liu, R.-D.*, Jiang, R., & Fu, X. (2023). A systematic review of mathematical flexibility: Concepts, measurements, and related research. Educational Psychology Review, 35(4), 104. (中科院1区Top,IF = 10.1)
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Oei, T.-P., Zhen, R., Jiang, S., & Sheng, X. (2019). The mediating and moderating roles of social anxiety and relatedness need satisfaction on the relationship between shyness and problematic mobile phone use among adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 93, 301–308. (中科院1区Top,IF = 9)
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Ding, Y., Oei, T. P., Zhen, R., & Jiang, S. (2019). Parents' phubbing and problematic mobile phone use: The roles of the parent-child relationship and children's self-esteem. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(12), 779–786.
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Ding, Y., Fu, X., Zhen, R., & Sheng, X. (2021). Social media exposure and college students’ mental health during the outbreak of COVID-19: The mediating role of rumination and the moderating role of mindfulness. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(4), 282–287.
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Ding, Y., Jiang, R., Sun, Y., & Jiang, S. (2021). A time-lagged study of two possible routes from personal innovativeness to life satisfaction in adolescents: Learning and social interaction on mobile phones. Personality and Individual Differences, 182, 111075.
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Ding, Y., Jiang, S., Yang, X., & Sheng, X. (2021). Academic procrastination precedes problematic mobile phone use in Chinese adolescents: A longitudinal mediation model of distraction cognitions. Addictive Behaviors, 121, 106993.
Hong, W., Liu, R.-D.*, Ding, Y., Sheng, X., & Zhen, R. (2020). Mobile phone addiction and cognitive failures in daily life: The mediating roles of sleep duration and quality and the moderating role of trait self-regulation. Addictive Behaviors, 107, 106383.
Hong, W.#, Zhen, R.#, Liu, R.-D.*, Wang, M.-T., Ding, Y., & Wang, J. (2020). The longitudinal linkages among Chinese children’s behavioural, cognitive, and emotional engagement within a mathematics context. Educational Psychology, 40(6), 666–680.
洪伟, 刘儒德*, 郭明佳, 甄瑞, 蒋舒阳, 金芳凯. (2019). 自我感知的外表吸引力与自拍发布行为的关系:一个有调节的中介模型. 心理科学, 42(1), 88–94.
洪伟, 刘儒德*, 甄瑞, 蒋舒阳, 金芳凯. (2018). 成就目标定向与小学生数学学习投入的关系:学业拖延和数学焦虑的中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 34(2), 191–199.
洪伟, 刘儒德*, 丁子恩. (2023). 工作记忆与抑制控制对学前儿童自发性数量关注倾向的影响. 第二十五届全国心理学学术会议,硕博论坛报告,中国成都.
洪伟, 刘儒德*. (2022). 数学灵活性:概念、测量、理论、影响因素和干预措施. 2022年度中国心理学会教育心理专业委员会学术研讨会,硕博论坛,中国武汉.
洪伟, 刘儒德*, 甄瑞, 蒋舒阳, 金芳凯. (2017). 成就目标定向与小学生数学学习投入的关系:学业拖延和数学焦虑的中介作用. 第二十届全国心理学学术会议,口头报告,中国重庆.