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立心 明理 好学 笃行

凝心聚力 争创一流



研究领域: 定量研究方法(如元分析,结构方程模型、心理测量学)、学习与教学心理、游戏化学习心理、协作学习、心理健康教育

E-Mail: caizhihui922@

2021.7-至今 华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团 副教授
2017.7-2021.06 华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团 讲师

2012.9-2017.7  澳门大学,教育学院,博士,导师:范息涛教授
2009.9-2012.7  华中师范大学,数学与统计学学院,硕士,概率论与数理统计专业


担任《心理学基础》,《教育心理学》,《专业英语及写作(初级)》,《毕业论文设计与写作》(研究生),《Psychological Measurement》(留学生),参与《教育心理研究》(研究生),《多元统计及其在心理学研究中的应用》(研究生),《认知与学习》,《网络心理与行为》等课程的教学工作


Educational Psychology Review
Computers & Education
Current Psychology
Journal of Happiness Studies
Teaching and Teacher Education


1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,No. 62107018,游戏化学习中协作对问题解决能力的影响及作用机制,2022.1-2024.12,在研,主持。
3.华中师范大学中央高校基本科研项目(CCNU19QN043),结构方程模型下的多水平多元元分析及其在心理学中的应用, 2019.01-2020.12,结项,主持。
9.国家自然科学基金面上项目,线上学习过程中对话的话轮转换机制研究,2021.1 – 2024.12,在研,参与。

1.2023/04, Gui; Y, Cai; Z.*, He; J., Chen; X., Fan, X. Digital Game-based STEM Learning: A Comprehensive Meta-analysis, Paper was accepted by the 2023 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2023美国教育研究协会年会). Chicago, USA.
2.2023/04, Wang; Z., Cai; Z.*, Chen; X., He; J., Fan, X. Gender Difference in Attitudes toward Digital Game Use: A Meta-Analytic Review, Paper was accepted by the 2023 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2023美国教育研究协会年会). Chicago, USA.
3.2023/05, Mao; P., Cai; Z.*, Wang; Z., He; J., Fan, X. The Effects of Dynamic and Static Feedback on Digital Game-based Learning Under Tasks with Different Difficulty. Paper was accepted by the 2023 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2023美国教育研究协会年会). Virtual Meeting.
4.2022/04,Gui, Y., Cai, Z.* The Effect of Feedback on Learning in Technology-rich Learning Environments (TREs): A Meta-analysis. Paper was presented at the 2022 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA 2022美国教育研究协会年会). San Diego, CA.
5.2021/04,Cai, Z.*, Mao, P., Wang, D., He, J., Chen, X., & Fan, X. Effects of Scaffolding in Digital Game-based Learning on Student’s Achievement: A Three-level Meta-analysis. Paper was presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA美国教育学会年会). Virtual Meeting.
6.2021/10,  毛佩佩,蔡志慧* 科学态度与科学成绩的关系:一项三水平元分析。第二十三届全国心理学学术会议摘要集。
7.2021/10,  王智铿,蔡志慧* 基于数字游戏的心理障碍干预效果的元分析研究。第二十三届全国心理学学术会议摘要集。
8.2019/10,  汪丹丹,蔡志慧* 网络成瘾与心理健康的关系:基于心理健康双因素模型的元分析。第二十二届全国心理学学术会议分组口头报告,杭州。
9.2017/08,Cai, Z., He, J., Fan, X. Relationship between Attitudes towards Science and Academic Achievement in Science: A Meta-analysis. The 125th Annual Meeting of American Psychological Association (APA美国心理学协会年会). Washington, D.C., USA.
10.2017/08,He, J., Cai, Z., Fan, X. How accurate is using self-reported questionnaires to screen binge-eating disorder: A meta-analysis. The 125th Annual Meeting of American Psychological Association (APA美国心理学协会年会). Washington, D.C., USA.
11.2017/04,Cai, Z., Fan, X. A Comparison of Fixed-effects Model and Random-effects Model for Multivariate SEM-based Meta-analysis. Paper was presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association (AERA美国教育学会年会). San Antonio, Texas, USA.
12.2016/08,Cai, Z., Fan, X., Du, J., & Fan, H. Gender and Attitudes toward Technology Use: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at The European Conference on Educational Research (ECER欧洲教育学会年会), University College of Dublin, Ireland, 22-26 August, 2016.

1.Cai, Z.*, Gui, Y., Mao, P., Wang, Z. Hao, X., Fan, X., & Tai, R. H. (2023) The Effect of Feedback on Academic Achievement in Technology-rich Learning Environments (TREs): A Meta-Analytic Review. Educational Research Review, 39, 100521. (IF=10.207; Q1, 中科院1区Top期刊; 3/270 Education & Educational Research)
2.Cai, Z.*, Mao, P., Wang, Z. Hao, X., He, J., & Fan, X. (2023) Associations between Problematic Internet Use and Mental Health Outcomes of Students: A Meta-analytic Review. Adolescent Research Review, (IF=5.052; Q1)
3.Chen, S. #, Cai, Z.#, Hou, J., Zhu, X. Lang, M. & Li, J (2022) Long-term effects of mnemonic training in healthy older adults: A Meta-analysis. Psychology and Aging, 37(8):954-971. (IF=4.201; 9/37, Q1, 共同一作)
4.Cai, Z.*, Mao, P., Wang, D., He, J., Chen, X., & Fan, X. (2022) Effects of Scaffolding in Digital Game-based Learning on Student’s Achievement: A Three-level Meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 34, 537-574 (IF=8.705, Q1, 中科院1区Top期刊)
5.Gao, Q, Zhang, S., Cai; Z.*, Liu, K, Hui, N., &. Tong, M. (2022) Understanding student teachers’ collaborative problem-solving competency: Insights from process data and multidimensional item response theory. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45, 101097. (IF=3.652; Q1)
6.Zhang, S., Gao, Q.; Sun, M., Cai, Z.*, Li, H.; Tang, Y., & Liu, Q. (2022) Understanding students’ collaborative problem solving: Insights from an Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA). Computers & Education, 183, 104485. (IF=11.182; 2/270; Q1, 中科院1区Top期刊)
7.Mao, P., Cai, Z.*, He, J., Chen, X., & Fan, X. (2021) The Relationship between Attitude towards Science and Academic Achievement in Science: A Three-level Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology: Educational Psychology, 12:784068. (IF=4.232, Q1)
8.Cai, Z.*, Gui, Y., Wang, D., Yang, H., Mao P., & Wang Z. (2021). Body Image Dissatisfaction and Impulse Buying: A Moderated Mediation Model. Frontiers in Psychology. 12, 653559. (IF=4.232, Q1)
9.He, J., Cai, Z.*, Chen, X., Lu, T., & Fan, X. (2021) Validation of the Chinese version of the Body Image Acceptance and Action Questionnaire and the Mediating Role of Body Image Flexibility in the Relationship between Body Dissatisfaction and Psychological Distress. Behavior Therapy, 52(3), 539-551 (IF=4.18; Q1)
10.Cai, Z.* & Fan, X. (2020) A Comparison of Fixed-effects and Random-effects Models for Multivariate Meta-analysis using an SEM approach. Multivariate Behavioural Research, 55(6), 839-854 (IF=5.92; Q1)
11.Chen, X., Cai, Z.*, He, J., & Fan, X. (2020) Gender differences in life satisfaction among children and adolescents: A Meta-Analysis. Journal of Happiness Studies. 21(6), 2279-2307 (IF=3.85; Q1)
12.He, J., Cai, Z.*, & Fan, X. (2018) How accurate is the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents derived from self-reported data? A meta-analysis. Public Health Nutrition, 21(10), 1865-1873. (IF=3.182; Q2).
13.Cai, Z.*, Fan, X., & Du, J. (2017). Gender and attitudes toward technology Use: A meta-analysis. Computers & Education, 105, 1-13. (IF=11.182; 2/270; Q1, 中科院1区Top期刊)
14.Cai, Z.*, & Leung, S.O. (2017) Short forms for attitude scales in social sciences – the case of attitude towards capital punishment. Journal of Social Service Research, 5(43), 635-640. (IF=0.510; 5Y-IF=0.630)
15.Fan, H., Xu, J., Cai, Z.*, He, J., & Fan, X. (2017). Homework and students’ achievement in math and science: A 30-year Meta-analysis, 1986-2015. Educational Research Review, 20, 35-54. (IF=7.803; Q1, 中科院1区Top期刊, ESI高被引)
16.He, J., Cai, Z.*, & Fan, X. (2017). Accuracy of using self-reported data to screen overweight and obese children and adolescents: A diagnostic meta-analysis. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice, 11(3), 257-267. (IF=2.062; 5Y-IF=2.370; Q3)
17.Zhang, S., Chen, H., Wen, Y., Deng, L., Cai, Z., & Sun, M. (2021). Exploring the influence of interactive network and collective knowledge construction mode on students perceived collective agency. Computers & Education, 104240, 1-19. (IF=11.182; 2/270; Q1)
18.Chen, X., He, J., Swanson, E., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2021) Big Five Personality Traits and Second Language Learning: A Meta-analysis of 40 Years’ Research. Educational Psychology Review. 34, 851-887 (IF=8.705, Q1)
19.He, J., Song, J.#, Chen, G.*, Cai Z., & Nui, R. (2021). Patterns of Perceived Parenting Styles and Associations with Night Eating Syndrome Symptoms and Correlates among Chinese Adolescents: A Latent Profile Analysis. Eating and Weight Disorders-Studies on Anorexia Bulimia and Obesity.
20.Lei, H., Xiong, Y., Chiu, M., Zhang, J., & Cai, Z. (2021) The relationship between ICT literacy and academic achievement among students:  meta-analysis. Children and Youth Services Review,
21.Zhao, C, Lai, L, Zhang, L, Cai, Z, Ren, Z, Shi, C, Luo, W, Yan, Y. (2021) The effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on the psychological and physical outcomes among cancer patients: A meta-analysis with trial sequential analysis. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 140:110304. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110304.
22.池毛毛, 刘姝君, 蔡志慧, 卢泉, 赵晶 (2021) IT匹配在IT治理和企业绩效间的中介作用和边界条件研究:基于元分析技术的探索。《南开管理评论》,24(3):115-127
23.Chen, G., He, J., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2020) Perceived parenting styles and body appreciation among Chinese adolescents: Exploring the mediating roles of dispositional mindfulness and self-compassion. Children and Youth Services Review, 119,
24.Lei, H., Mao, W., Cheong, C-M., Wen, Y., Cui, Y. & Cai, Z. (2020) The Relationship between Self-esteem and Cyberbullying: A Meta-Analysis of Children and Youth Students. Current Psychology. 39, 830–842. (IF=1.468)
25.Chen, X.; He, J.; Fan, X.; & Cai, Z. (2019). Attachments, dispositional mindfulness, and psychological distress: A mediation analysis. Current psychology. 40, 1651–1659 (IF=1.468)
26.He, J., Chen, X., Fan, X., Cai, Z., & Huang, F. (2019) Is there a relationship between body mass index and academic achievement? A meta-analysis. Public Health, 167, 111-124 (IF=1.696, 5Y-IF=1.952, Q3)
27.Xu, J., Fan, X., Du, J., & Cai, Z. (2018). Homework expectancy value scale for undergraduates in online environments: Measurement invariance and latent mean differences across gender. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 35(5), 666-673. (IF=1.985; 5Y- IF=2.398, Q2)
28.He, J., Fan, X., Yan, J., Huang, F., Wu, W., & Cai, Z. (2018). The relationship between neuroticism and night eating: exploring the mediating roles of psychological distress and maladaptive coping. Psychology, Health, & Medicine, 24(1), 68-75. (IF=1.589; Q3)
29.He, J., Chen, X., Fan, X., Cai. Z. & Hao, S. (2018) Profiles of parent and peer attachments of adolescents and associations with psychological outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 94, 163-172. (IF=1.684; 5Y- IF=2.138, Q2)
30.He, J., Huang, F., Yan, J., Wu, W., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2018). Prevalence, demographic correlates, and association with psychological distress of night eating syndrome among Chinese college students. Psychology Health & Medicine, 23(5), 578-584. (IF=1.589; Q3)
31.He, J., Cai, Z., & Fan, X. (2017). Prevalence of binge and loss of control eating among children and adolescents with overweight and obesity: An exploratory meta-analysis. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 50(2), 91-103. (IF= 3.523; Q1)
32.Zhang, J., Fan, X., Cheung, S.K., Meng, Y., Cai, Z., Hu, B. (2017) The role of early language abilities on math skills in Chinese children. PLOS ONE, 12(7): e0181074. (IF=2.766; Q2)


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