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研究领域: 家庭教育指导、心理咨询与治疗(擅长认知行为疗法和悲悯聚焦疗法),近几年主要致力于慈悲教养和悲悯聚焦疗法的理论和干预研究

澳大利亚父母积极教养课程(Triple P - Positive Parenting Program)认证指导师




1. 全国教育科学“十三五”规划青年基金项目,CBA170255,促进小学儿童自我调节学习的循证父母教养干预:本土化研究,2017/09-2020/12,20万元,主持,已结题
2. 福建省社会科学规划青年基金项目,FJ2017C036,父母教养干预的本土化模型建构研究:以城市父母为对象,2017/09-2019/08,3万元,主持,已结题
3. 福建省社会科学规划一般项目,FJ2024B144,促进小学儿童自我调节学习的家庭教育指导课程体系的建设与推广,2024/04-2026/04,4万元,主持,在研
4. 福建师范大学2020年研究生课程建设项目:双语课程《家庭心理治疗理论与技术》,KCJS202031,2020/12-2022/12,3万元,主持,已结题
5. 福建师范大学2022年研究生培养质量提升工程项目:产教融合研究生联合培养示范基地——福建社会心理服务共建基地,zlgc202205003,2022/12-2024/12,2万元,主持


1. 郭明春,吴庆麟. (2011). 父母教养与学业成就:心理因素的中介作用.心理科学,34(2): 376-380. CSSCI
2. 郭明春,吴庆麟. (2011). 父母教养与学业成就:责任心与动机的中介作用.心理研究,4(2):74-77. CSSCI扩展版
3. 刘洋,郭明春*. (2020). 父母积极教养课程及其在中国的社会和文化适应. 心理科学,43(3): 1376-1383. CSSCI
4. 郭明春, 刘奥博, 秦浩文, 张书帏 (2024). 整合悲悯心训练的团体认知行为干预对大学生社交焦虑的效果评估研究, 中国临床心理学杂志
5. Guo, M., Morawska, A., Sanders, M.R. (2016). A randomized-controlled trial of the Group Triple P-Positive Parenting Program with Chinese parents in Mainland China. Behavior Modification, 40(6): 825–851. SSCI
6. Guo, M., Morawska, A., Filus, A. (2017). Validation of the Parenting and Family Adjustment Scales (PAFAS) to measure parenting skills and family adjustment in Chinese parents, Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50 (3):139-154. SSCI
7. Guo, M., Morawska, A., Filus, A. (2018). Initial Validation of the parent-report Child Adjustment and Parent Efficacy Scales (CAPES) in a Chinese cultural context. Assessment, 25(8): 1056-1073. SSCI
8. Guo, M., Wang, J., Day, J., & Kirby, J. N. (2021). Validation of the Fears of Compassion Scale in a Chinese cultural context. Mindfulness, 12: 683-692. SSCI
9. Guo, M., Guo, Q., Wang, L., Morawska, A. (2021). Development and initial validation of the parent-report Academic Behavior Scale in a Chinese context, International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(2): 160–169. SSCI
10. Liu, Y., Dittman, C. K., Guo, M*., Morawska, A., & Haslam, D. (2021). Influence of father involvement, fathering practices and father-child relationships on children in Mainland China. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30:1858–1870. SSCI
11. Guo, M., Wang, L., Day, J., & Chen, Y. (2021). The relations of parental autonomy support, parental control, and filial piety to Chinese adolescents’ academic autonomous motivation: A mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. SSCI
12. Zhang, S., Guo, M*., Wang, J., & Lin, L. (2021). The relationship between fears of compassion, emotion regulation difficulties, and emotional eating in college students: A moderated mediation model. Frontiers in psychology, 12. SSCI
13. Wang, L., Guo M.*, Wang, X. (2023). Development and validation of the Academic Parenting Scale for Chinese parents of primary school students, Current Psychology, 42: 31864–31879. SSCI
14. Wang, J., Guo M.*, Day, J., Kirby, J. N. (2023). Self-Acceptance mediates the relationship between perceived parenting behaviors and fears of compassion, Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32:744–755. SSCI
15. Liu, A., Guo, M.*, Liao, R., Wang, X. (2024). The relationships between self-esteem, self-efficacy, and test anxiety: A cross-lagged study, Stress and Health, 40(3): e3346. SSCI
16. Liu, Y., Haslam, D. M., Dittman, C. K., Guo, M., & Morawska, A. (2022). Predicting Chinese father involvement: Parental role beliefs, fathering self-efficacy and maternal gatekeeping. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 1066876. SSCI
17. Kakar, V., Fardouly, J., Rapee, R. M., Guo, M., Arman, S., & Niazi, E. (2023). Appearance satisfaction among adolescent girls in Australia, China, India, and Iran: The role of perceived actual-ideal discrepancies in facial and bodily attributes. Sex Roles, 89: 257–276. SSCI 2区top期刊
18. Kakar, V., Fardouly, J., Rapee, R. M., Guo, M., Arman, S., & Niazi, E. (2023). Exploring the Tripartite Influence Model of Body Image and Disordered Eating among Adolescent Girls Living in Australia, China, India, and Iran. Body Image, 47: 1-16. SSCI top期刊
19. Diarra, Y., Gu, C., Guo, M., & Xue, Y. (2017). The effect of social economic status and parents’ rearing behavior on social creativity of children in Mali. Creative Education, 8(6), 829-846.
20. Guo, M., Liu, A., Wang, X., Liu, Y. (2024). The efficacy of a group program integrating Compassionate Mind Training with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for college students with test anxiety in Mainland China, Mindfulness, 15:977-990
1. Guo, M., Morawska, A. (2014). A randomized-controlled trial of Group Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) with Chinese parents in Shanghai. Paper presented in the 16th Helping Families Change Conference, Sydney, Australia.
2. Guo, M., Morawska, A. (2014). The effects of Group Triple P on parenting in academic setting and children’s academic outcomes in a Chinese context. Paper presented in the 37th Australian Association for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy National Conference, Fremantle, Australia.
3. Guo, M., Morawska, A. (2015). The Relations of parenting practices, parental adjustment and child adjustment with Children’s in-home academic problem behaviors. Paper presented in the 17th Helping Families Change Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
4. 郭明春. (2019). 促进小学儿童自我调节习的父母教养课程:一个本土化的设计思路,第二届社会科学本土化学术研讨会暨第三届本土咨商心理学学术研讨会, 台湾彰化
5. 郭明春. (2021). 促进小学儿童自我调节学习的父母教养课程:一项预试验研究, 中国心理学会婚姻家庭心理与咨询专业委员会(筹) 第一届学术年会暨第五届婚姻家庭治疗国际研讨会, 福建厦门
6. 郭明春. (2022). 中国人的自我修养倾向:结构、测量及其与心理健康的关系, 中国社会心理学会人类智慧心理学专委会(筹)2022年学术会议, 网络参会
7. 郭明春. (2022). 悲悯心训练促进中国高中生和大学生心理健康的效果, 第五届社会科学本土化学术研讨会暨第六届本土咨商心理学学术研讨会, 网络参会
8. 郭明春. (2023). 悲悯心训练在中国大学生和高中生群体中的研究与应用, 中国心理学会2023临床与咨询心理学学术大会, 广东珠海
9. 郭明春. (2023). 悲悯心训练对中国青少年的效果评估研究, 第八届中国认知行为治疗学术大会, 湖南长沙
10. 郭明春,李颖凡,廖如燕. (2023). 慈悲教养及其与儿童心理健康的关系, 中国心理学会婚姻家庭心理与咨询专业委员会第二届学术大会暨第六届婚姻家庭国际研讨会,广东广州


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