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研究领域: 社会认知与刻板印象;社会分类;群体心理与群际关系;人机交互;青少年心理与行为。




➢华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团       副教授,硕士生导师  2017年7月—至今
➢Northeastern University        访问学者            2016年11月—2017年11月
➢华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团       讲师,硕士生导师    2012年7月—2017年6月
➢华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团       博士                2009年9月—2012年7月
➢华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团       硕士                2006年9月—2009年7月
➢华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团       本科(英语双学位)     2002年9月—2006年7月



[1]    国家社科后期资助项目, 20FSHB003,社会分类与印象评价,2021/01-2022/12,25万元,在研,主持人。
[2]    国家社会科学重大项目,18ZDA331,当代中国社会群体印象评价及心理机制研究,2019/01-2023/12,80万元,在研,子课题负责人。
[3]    反性别刻板印象的演化–评价效应及加工机制,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31400903),主持,2014—2017。
[4]    流动儿童学业成绩刻板印象威胁效应的心理机制及干预研究,教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(13YJC190023),主持,2013—2016。
[5]    文化价值认同视野下社交网络使用的研究,湖北省哲学社会科学“十二五”规划项目(2013235),主持,2013—2014。
[6]    交叉分类对刻板印象的影响及认知加工机制,国家自然科学基金项目(31571147),参与,2015—2019。
[7]    当代中国大众文化价值观研究,教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(2011JZD006),参与,2011—2015。
[8]    中国人的社会认知与文化认同,华中师范大学基本科研业务费重大培育项目(CCNU15Z02001),参与,2015—2017。
[9]    社会分类的心理加工机制与发展模型研究,华中师范大学中央高校基本科研业务费重大培育项目(CCNU18ZDPY12),参与,2018—2020。
[10]    国家社会科学重大项目,18ZDA331,当代中国社会群体印象评价及心理机制研究,2019/01-2023/12,80万元,参与。


[1]    Wen, F., Qiao, Y., Zuo, B., Ye, H., Ding, Y., Wang, Q., & Ma, S. (2022). Dominance or Integration? Influence of Sexual Dimorphism and Clothing Color on Judgments of Male and Female Targets' Attractiveness, Warmth, and Competence. Archives of Sexual Behavior [SSCI-1]
[2]    Wen, F., Ye, H., Zuo, B., Han, S., Zhu, J., Ke, W., & He, Y. (2022). The association between insecurity and subjective well-being among youth during the COVID-19 outbreak: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Affective Disorders, (297), 486-494. [SSCI-1]
[3]    Zuo, B., Ye, H., Wen, F.*, Ke, W., Wang, J. (2022). Effect of attribution on the emotion and behavioral intentions of third-party observers toward intergroup discriminators during the COVID-19 pandemic. Group Processes & Intergroup Relation. DOI: 10.1177/13684302211062367. [SSCI-2]
[4]    Wen, F., Ding, Y., Ma, S., Yang, C., & Zuo, B. (2022). Influence of Smartphone Use Motives on Smartphone Addiction During the COVID-19 Epidemic in China: The Moderating Effect of Age. Current Psychology, in press. [SSCI-1]
[5]    Wen, F., Zhu, J., Ye, H., Li, L., Ma, Z., Wen, X., & Zuo, B.*(2021). Associations between insecurity and stress among Chinese university students: The mediating effects of hope and self-efficacy. Journal of Affective Disorders. 281, 447-453 . DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.12.047. [SSCI-1]
[6]    Wen, F., Zuo, B.*, Wang, Y., Ma, S., Song, S., & Zhang, H. (2021). Non-pregnant and pregnant women’s femininity preferences in male faces: tests based on within- and between-sex sexual dimorphism facial manipulations. Archives of Sexual Behavior,50(2), 531-541. DOI: 10.1007/s10508-020-01868-8. [SSCI-1]
[7]    Wen, F., Wang, Y., Zuo, B., Yang, J., Qiao, Y., Ye, H., & Luo, Z. (2022). Space-Focused Stereotypes About People Living With HIV/AIDS and the Effects on Community-Approaching Willingness. Frontiers in psychology. Vol.13, P772639. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.772639. [SSCI-2]
[8]    Wang, Y., Qian, M., Nabbijohn, A. N., Wen, F., Fu, G., &  Zuo, B., VanderLaan, D. (2021). Culture influences the development of children's gender‐related peer preferences: Evidence from China and Thailand. Developmental Science. DOI: 10.1111/desc.13221. [SSCI-1]
[9]    Xu, Y., Wen, F., Zuo, B., & Marjorie R.(2022). Social essentialism in the United States and China: How social and cognitive factors predict within- and cross-cultural variation in essentialist thinking. Mem Cogn.
[10]    Xu, Y., Burns, M., Wen, F., Thor, E. D., Bin, Z., Coley, J., & Rhodes, M. (2021). How Culture Shapes Social Categorization and Inductive Reasoning: A Developmental Comparison between the United States and China. doi:10.31234/
[11]    Tan, X., Zuo, B., Wen, F., Xie Z., & Song S. (2021). Fear of Backlash Moderates Female Senior Executives’ Communion (But not Agency) as Compared to Female Lecturers. Frontiers in psychology, (12), Article 520590 [SSCI-2]
[12]    Zuo, B., Wang, Q., Qiao, L.Y, Ding, Y., &Wen, F* .(2021). Impact of divergent thinking training on teenagers’ emotion and self-efficacy during the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in psychology, 12:600533. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.600533.  [SSCI-2]
[13]    Wen, F., Ye, H., Wang, Y., Xu, Y., & Zuo, B. (2021). Icing on the cake: “amplification effect” of innovative information form in news reports about COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology., No.600523 . DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.600523. [SSCI-2]
[14]    Zuo, B., Yang, K., Yao, Y., Han, S., Nie, S., & Wen, F.* (2021). The relationship of perceived social support to feelings of hopelessness under COVID-19 pandemic: The effects of epidemic risk and meaning in life. Personality and individual differences, 183, 111110. [SSCI-2]
[15]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Ma, S., Xu, Y., Coley, J. D., Wang, Y. (2020). Do we see masculine faces as competent and feminine faces as warm? effects of sexual dimorphism on facial perception. Evolutionary Psychology, 18(4), 1-11. [SSCI-3]
[16]    Xie, Z., Wen, F., Tan, X., Wei, J., & Zuo, B. (2020). The attractiveness of group potential: the mediating role of anticipated future achievements in willingness to join. Current Psychology, 1-11. [SSCI-1]
[17]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Wang, Y., Wu, Y., & Ma, S. (2020). The (continuous) nature of perceived gender counter-stereotype: a threshold model of gender stereotype maintenance. Archives of Sexual Behavior(2), 1-20. [SSCI-1]
[18]    Xie, Z., Wen, F., Tan, X., Wei, J., & Zuo, B. (2020). The preference for potential in competence, not in morality: asymmetric biases regarding a group's potential for moral improvement and decline. PLOS ONE, 15. [SSCI-2]
[19]    Zuo, B., Zhang, X., Wen, F. F., & Zhao, Y. (2020). The influence of stressful life events on depression among Chinese university students: Multiple mediating roles of fatalism and core self-evaluations. Journal of affective disorders, 260, 84–90. [SSCI-1]
[20]    Zuo, B., Wen, F., Wang, M., & Wang, Y. (2019). The Mediating Role of Cognitive Flexibility in the Influence of Counter-Stereotypes on Creativity. Frontiers in psychology, 10. [SSCI-2]
[21]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Xie, Z., & Gao, J. (2019). Boosting Creativity, but Only for Low Creative Connectivity: The Moderating Effect of Priming Stereotypically Inconsistent Information on Creativity. Frontiers in psychology, 10. [SSCI-2]
[22]    Zuo, B., Wen, F., & Wu, Y. (2018). Sex differences in mate retention and mate quality enhancement: The effect of facial sexual dimorphism cues on willingness to introduce a new friend to one’s partner. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1–10. doi: 10.1007/s10508-018-1295-3 [SSCI-1]
[23]    Song, J., Zuo, B., Wen, F., & Yan, L. (2017). Math-gender stereotypes and career intentions: an application of expectancy–value theory. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 45(3), 328-340. doi: 10.1080/03069885.2017.1283680 [SSCI-3]
[24]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Wu, Y., Dong, X., & Wang, W. (2016). Reducing the effect of stereotype threat: The role of coaction contexts and regulatory fit. Social Psychology of Education. 19(3), 607–626. doi: 10.1007/s11218-016-9344-z [SSCI-2]
[25]    Wu, Y., Zuo, B., Wen, F., & Yan, L. (2016). Rosenberg self–esteem scale: method effects, factorial structure and scale invariance across migrant child and urban child populations in china. Journal of Personality Assessments, 99(1), 1–11. doi: 10.1080/00223891. 2016. 1217420 [SSCI-2]
[26]    Sun, S., Zuo, B., Wu, Y., & Wen, F. (2016). Does perspective taking increase or decrease stereotyping? The role of need for cognitive closure. Personality and Individual Differences, 94, 21–25. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.01.001 [SSCI-2]
[27]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Wu, Y., Sun, S., & Liu, K. (2014). Red is romantic, but only for feminine females: sexual dimorphism moderates red effect on sexual attraction. Evolutionary Psychology, 12(4), 719–735. doi: 10.1177/147470491401200404 [SSCI-3]
[28]    温芳芳, 柯文琳, 何赛飞, 佐斌,李兰心, 马书瀚, 王晶.(2022). 群体身份变换性对老年人印象更新的影响:共同内群体认同的中介作用. 心理学报, 54, 印刷中.
[29]    乔亚兰,温芳芳,佐斌,柯文琳,宋仕婕,王晶. (2021).依赖或分离:内群体偏爱和外群体贬损的关系. 心理科学(印刷中).
[30]    佐斌,刘晨,温芳芳*,谭潇,谢志杰. (2021). 性别化名字对个体印象评价及人际交往的影响.心理学报, 53(4), 387-399.
[31]    佐斌, 戴月娥, 温芳芳*,高佳,谢志杰,何赛飞.(2021). 人如其食:食物性别刻板印象及对人物评价的影响.心理学报, 53(03):259-272.
[32]    温芳芳, 柯文琳, 佐斌, 戴月娥, 聂思源,姚 奕韩施.(2021).内隐关系评估程序(IRAP):测量原理及应用. 心理科学进展, doi:10.3724/SP.J.1042.2021.01936.
[33]    温芳芳, 佐斌. 内隐印象更新的心理机制. (2022). 心理科学. (印刷中).
[34]    魏谨, 谢志杰, 温芳芳, 谭潇, 宋仕婕, 佐斌. (2022). 对体胖者的社会性偏向:本土化视角的探索. 心理科学. (印刷中).
[35]    温芳芳, 马书瀚,叶含雪,齐玥,佐斌.(2020).“涟漪效应”与“心理台风眼效应”:不同程度 COVID-19 疫情地区民众风险认知与焦虑的双视角检验,心理学报, 52(8),1-18.
[36]    佐斌, 温芳芳*, 杨珂,谭 潇.(2020). 情境对“热情优先效应”的影响——基于同伴提名法的检验.心理科学, 43(6):1384-1390.
[37]    温芳芳, 佐斌, 马书瀚, 谢志杰. (2020). 面孔识别的自我群体偏向. 心理科学进展,28(7),1164-1171.
[38]    宋仕婕, 佐斌, 温芳芳*, 谭潇. (2020). 群体认同对群际敏感效应及其行为表现的影响. 心理学报,(8), 993-1003.
[39]    佐斌,温芳芳*.(2020). 新冠肺炎疫情时期的群际歧视探析,华南师范大学学报(社会科学版),3, 70-78.
[40]    代涛涛, 佐斌, 温芳芳. (2019). 情境线索对社会认知内容推断的影响. 心理科学, (3), 612–618.
[41]    刘晨, 温芳芳,  佐斌. (2019). 以貌取人可行吗?——基于面孔的特质推理及准确性. 心理科学, 42(1), 150-156.
[42]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2019). 社会分类的概念, 线索及影响机制. 心理科学, 42(2), 395-401.
[43]    佐斌, 温芳芳, 宋静静, 代涛涛. (2018). 社会分类的特性、维度及心理效应. 心理科学进展.
[44]    佐斌, 温芳芳*(共同第一), 吴漾, 代涛涛. (2018). 群际评价中热情与能力关系的情境演变:评价意图与结果的作用. 心理学报, (10), 11801196.
[45]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2018). 社会分类的概念、线索及影响机制. 心理科学. 排版中.
[46]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2018). 最简群体范式的操作、心理机制及新应用. 心理科学,41 (3), 713719.
[47]    潘文静, 温芳芳, 佐斌. (2018). 老年刻板印象威胁及其研究操纵, 心理科学进展, 26(9), 16701679.
[48]    佐斌, 温芳芳*. (2017). 当代中国人的文化认同. 中国科学院院刊, 32(2), 175187.
[49]    戴月娥, 温芳芳, 佐斌, 吴漾, 代涛涛. (2017). 基于个体的退休心理模型. 心理科学进展, 25(3), 443451.
[50]    宋静静, 佐斌, 温芳芳, 谭潇, 赵苗苗. (2017). 交叉分类对刻板印象的影响:穷富与年龄维度交叉为例. 心理学探新, 37(2), 155160.
[51]    宋静静, 佐斌, 温芳芳, 叶姝槿. (2016). 中学生物理性别刻板印象与学业拖延: 序列中介模型. 中国临床心理学杂志, 24(3), 514518.
[52]    佐斌, 代涛涛, 温芳芳. (2015). 社会认知内容的“大二”模型. 心理科学, 38(4), 10191023.
[53]    吴漾, 温芳芳, 陈真珍, 佐斌. (2014). 权力增加还是降低观点采择?基于本土的验证. 中国临床心理学杂志. 6, 957963.
[54]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2014). 面孔参照或观察者参照:性别二态线索、面孔吸引力与表情对正视面孔偏好的影响. 心理科学, 37(4), 834–839.
[55]    佐斌, 代涛涛, 温芳芳, 滕婷婷. (2014). 热情与能力的关系及其影响因素. 心理科学进展, 9, 14671474.
[56]    徐同洁, 温芳芳, 浮东琴, 佐斌, 肖任飞. (2014). 人际沟通中的语言偏向及影响因素. 心理科学进展, 22(7) :11881197.
[57]    代涛涛, 佐斌, 温芳芳. (2014). 社会认知中热情与能力的补偿效应. 心理科学进展, 3, 502511.
[58]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2013). 无偏见目标对内隐与外显相貌偏见的调节效应——基于IAT与AMP的测量. 中国特殊教育, 1, 73–78.
[59]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2012). 男性化与女性化对面孔偏好的影响——基于图像处理技术和眼动的检验. 心理学报, 44(1),14–29.
[60]    佐斌, 温芳芳. (2012). 性别二态线索对男性面孔吸引力影响的方法差异之争. 心理学探新, 32(2), 166–170.
[61]    温芳芳, 祁超. (2012). 财富•责任•幸福的心理学观——首届中部心理学高峰论坛综述. 心理科学, 5, 146.
[62]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2011). 注视方向和性别二态线索对面孔吸引力的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 19(4), 441444.
[63]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2011). 求职招聘中的策略——“失败成为优势”效应. 心理研究, 4(1), 4043.
[64]    佐斌, 温芳芳. (2011). 职业刻板印象:自我卷入与评价偏向. 中国临床心理学杂志, 19(2),149153.
[65]    佐斌, 温芳芳. (2009). 大学生职业选择与内隐职业声望偏好. 心理与行为研究, 7(3), 171175.
[66]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2008). 熟悉性对刻板印象的影响. 中国临床心理学杂志, 16(5), 489491.
[67]    温芳芳, 佐斌. (2007). 评价单一态度对象的内隐社会认知测验方法. 心理科学进展, 15(5), 828833.
[68]    佐斌, 温芳芳, 朱晓芳. (2007). 大学生对年轻人和老年人的年龄刻板印象. 应用心理学, 13(3), 231236.
[1]    佐斌,温芳芳,宋仕婕,刘晨:《宜昌市社会心理服务体系建设调研报告》,2019年8月湖北省委常委批示.
[2]    佐斌, 温芳芳:《疫情防控以来湖北人的心态与引导建议》,2020年2月被湖北省委采纳.
[3]    佐斌,温芳芳:《对隔离新冠肺炎患者尽快开展群体心理干预的建议》,2020年2月被湖北省委采纳.
[4]    温芳芳,佐斌:《着力提升安全感,增强民众对政府应对疫情工作的满意度》,湖北省委办公厅,2020年2月
[5]    温芳芳,佐斌:《“病亡者家属”人群的创伤后应激障碍及其心理重建》,2020年3月在人民日报内参发表,并获中央领导人批示.
[6]    温芳芳撰写的1篇抗疫心理文章被教育部“微言教育”采用.
[1]    温芳芳、佐斌著. (2021). 刻板印象威胁研究. 华中师范大学出版社.
[2]    佐斌主编. 温芳芳副主编. (2020). 疫情时期青少年心理健康指导. 华中师范大学出版社.
[3]    温芳芳、佐斌主编. (2017). 社会心理学实验. 华中师范大学出版社.
[4]    温芳芳主编.(2016). 男性化与女性化——面孔吸引力的研究. 华中师范大学出版社.
[5]    佐斌、温芳芳主编. (2015). 性情中人的自我展露——当代中国大众文化典型事例述评. 华中师范大学出版社.
[6]    佐斌主编. 温芳芳副主编. (2014). 心理健康教育(小学版). 长江少年儿童出版社.
[7]    佐斌主编. 温芳芳副主编. (2014). 心理健康教育(高中版). 华中师范大学出版社.
[8]    [美]史蒂文.凯尔士(Steven J. Kirsh)著. 王福兴、谢员、温芳芳译. (2014). 媒体与青少年:发展的视角. 广州:世界图书出版公司.
[9]    黄永林等著. 温芳芳参加编写. (2014). 网络舆论监测与安全研究. 经济科学出版社.

[1]    Wen fangfang,  Yang Ke, Zuo Bin, Xu Yian, Coley John, Lu Changhao, Wang Wei. (2021). Nature or Social, Which One Weights More? A Corss-culture Comparison of "Dominant Dimension Effect" in Social Categorization. International Journal of Psychology,
[2]    WEN Fangfang,1 , YANG Kea, 1 , ZUO Bina ** ,WANG Yanga, Liu Chena, Xiao Huanrui, Qiao Yalan. (2021). “Derogatory” or “vigilant?”: Gender differences in the impact of characteristics’ dimension and sexual dimorphism cues’ consistency on intrasexual competitive facial attractiveness. International Journal of Psychology,
[3]    Wen Fangfang, Gao Jia,  Zuo Bin, He Saifei, Lin Yuntao, Wang Jing, Dai Yu, Li Lulu. (2021). Examining Children’s Implicit Gender Stereotyping Using the Stereotypic Explanatory Bias Paradigm. International Journal of Psychology,
[4]    Tan Xiao,  Zuo Bin,Wen Fangfang, Yang Cui, Ke Wenlin, He Yujia, Jiang Dawen. (2021). How Do Counter-Stereotypical Women React to the Double-Bind Dilemma? The Compensating Behavior Strategy. International Journal of Psychology,
[5]    Yalan Qiao, Fangfang Wen, Bin Zuo, Hanxue Ye, Yu Ding, Qi Wang, Shuhan Ma, Ju Yiyan. (2021). Influence of sexual dimorphism and clothing color on facial attractiveness, warmth, and competence evaluation during the COVID−19 pandemic period. International Journal of Psychology,
[6]    Bin Zuo,  Susan T. Fiske , Fangfang Wen, Shi Han, Yang Wang, Shuhan Ma, Zhang Xiao. (2021). The Primacy of Warmth Effect in Ingroup Preference: A Cross-Time Comparison in China and America. International Journal of Psychology,
[7]    Bin Zuo, Hanxue Ye, Fangfang Wen*, Wenlin Ke, Huanrui Xiao, Jin Wang, Feng Zhao. (2021). The Effect of Bystander Attribution on Emotion and Behavior toward Discriminator during the COVID-19. International Journal of Psychology,
[8]    YANG Ke,  ZUO Bin1, 2,, YAO Yi1, 2, HAN Shi1, 2,, NIE Siyuan1, 2, WEN Fangfang1, 2** (2021). Impact of Perceived Social Support, Epidemic Risk and meaning in life on Hopelessness in COVID-19. International Journal of Psychology,
[9]    MA Shuhan 1  ZUO Bin 1  XIAO Huanrui 1  WEN Fangfang* 1   WANG Xijing, Songshijie, Wu Siyu. (2021). The moderation effect of future expectation on people's happiness who are more risky in COVID-19. International Journal of Psychology,
[10]    Ye Hanxue, Wen Fangfang, Zuo Bin, Song Shijie, Weijin, Zhang Xiang, Li Man. (2021). Dominant Effect and Stability of Situational Cues in Social Categorization and Category-based Inference. International Journal of Psychology,
[11]    Bin Zuo, Hanxue Ye, Yue Qi, Fangfang Wen, Yalan Qiao, Yu Ding, Wu Huiyang. (2021). The Link Between Government Response and Public Anxiety: the Mediation of Information Credibility and Epidemic Controllability. International Journal of Psychology,
[12]    Shi Han; Fangfang Wen; Bin Zuo; Siyuan Nie; Shuhan Ma; Yian Xu; John Coley. (2021). The development trend of adolescent anthropocentric thinking and the effect of time pressure. International Journal of Psychology,
[13]    ZUO Bin ** ,WANG Yang, Yang Jian, WEN Fangfanga,1 , YANG Kea, 1 , Liu Chena, Xiao Huanruia, Qiao Yalana. Space-Focused Stereotypes of HIV Carriers and its Consequences on Community Approaching Willingness. International Journal of Psychology,
[14]    Zuo, B., Wen, F., & Sun, S. (2016). Evaluate multiply–categorizable individuals can decrease stereotyping. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 1030.
[15]    Zuo, B., Wen, F., Fang, Z., Wu, Y., & Sun, S. (2016). Trajectories of evaluating gender counter–stereotypes on a continuum: An examination based on facial appearance, behaviors and traits. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 1073–1074.
[16]    Dai, T., Zuo, B., Wen, F., Wu, Y., Song, J. (2016). Prefer traits of warmth, competence, or moral when describe self and others? It depends on context. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol, 51: 1036. doi:10.1002/ijop.12351.
[17]    Wu, Y., Wen, F., Wang, M., Zuo, B., Song, J., Feng, K. (2016). The Role of Violent Gender Information in Online Games Effect Processes on Female Players. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol, 23.
[18]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., Wu, Y., Dai, Y., Sun, S., Song, J. (2016). The Relationship between Stereotype Threat and Subjective Well-being of Migrant Children and its Psychological mechanism. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol, 51, 1070.
[19]    Song, J., Zuo, B., Wen, F., Cai, F., Zhu, W. (2016). The Dimension Importance of the Crossed-categorization (wealth × age) group. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol, 51, 1095–1096.
[20]    Tan, K., Wen, F., Ye, S., Tan, X., Zuo, B. (2016). Need for Self-uniqueness Influences the Evaluations of Counter-stereotypical People. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol, 1098.
[21]    Tan, X., Fangfang Wen, Bin Zuo, Zhiyue You, Wei Wang (2016) Explore Implicit Female Driver Stereotype and How Counter Gender Stereotypes Imagine for Female Driver Reduce Emotional Intergroup Bias. Social Psychology. Int J Psychol.
[22]    Tan, X., Wen, F., Zuo, B., You, Z., & Wang, W. (2016). Reliability, convergent and divergent validity for Rosenberg Self–esteem Scale between high school students and undergraduates in Wuhan. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 947.
[23]    Wen, F., Zuo B. (2012). The Influence of Online Game Motivations on Addiction of Middle School Students——Quantile regression analysis based on the data of ten provinces and cities. International Journal of Psychology, 47(6), 747.
[24]    Wen, F., Zuo, B. (2012). The Influence of Motherhood on The Promotion of Female. International Journal of Psychology, 47(6), 396.
[25]    Wen, F., Zuo, B., & Sun, S. (2012). The Influence of Occupational Stereotype on The Gender Wage Difference. International Journal of Psychology, 47(6), 392. [SSCI]
[26]    Wen, J., Wang, H., Zhang, C., Ai, C., & Zuo, B. (2012). The effect of social categories in face perception of group. Paper presented at 30th International Conference on Psychology, July 22–27, Cape Town, South Africa.
[27]    Zhang, X., Qi, C., Wen, F, Sun, S., & Zuo, B. (2012). The contents and automatic activation of the stereotype of Chinese migrant workers. International Journal of Psychology. 47(6), 715.

[1]    2022年5月,华中师范大学“桂子青年学者”;
[2]    2021年,参与《社会心理与人际交往》课程,获华中师范大学第七届本科教学创新奖一等奖(2020);
[3]    2020年11月,华中师范大学“党员好故事”三等奖。
[4]    2018年6月,温芳芳被中部心理学高峰论坛组织委员会评为优秀青年心理学人。
[5]    2015年11月,温芳芳发表的《Red id Romantic, but only for feminine females: Sexual dimorphism moderates red effect on sexual attraction》一文荣获湖北省心理科学2011-2015年度优秀成一等奖。
[6]    2014年3月,温芳芳、佐斌撰写的《男性化与女性化对面孔偏好的影响——基于图像处理技术和眼动的检验》荣获武汉市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖。
[7]    2012年9月,温芳芳、佐斌撰写的《面孔参照还是观察者参照?性别二态线索、身体吸引力和表情对正视面孔偏好的交互效应》获首届“湖北青年心理学人论坛”优秀论文一等奖。

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