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立心 明理 好学 笃行

凝心聚力 争创一流



研究领域: 创造性思维、创新学习、网络学习、网络语言、青少年认知发展

Zhao, Qingbai  [赵庆柏]
Professor  [教授]   Doctoral Supervisor   [博士生导师]
Research Area :
Cognitive Psychology; The Cognitive Neurosciences; Learning Psychology
Main Research Interests:
Creative Thinking;Creative Learning; E-Learning; Internet Slang; Adolescent Cognitive Development

2004/09--2009/07 Dalian University of Technology School of physics and photoelectric engineering, major in neuroinformatics, successive postgraduate and doctoral programs of study, obtained the doctor's degree in Engineering;
[2004年9月至2009年7月 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院神经信息学专业硕博连读,获工学博士学位]
2000/09--2004/6 Dalian University of Technology Department of physics, major in electronic science and technology, obtained Bachelor degree.
[2000年9月至2004年6月 大连理工大学物理系电子科学与技术专业本科生,获工学学士学位]

Work Experiences
2018/07—Now  School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Professor.
[2018年7月至今 华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团,教授]  
2013/07—2018/06  School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Associate Professor.
[2013年7月至2018年6月 华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团,副教授]    
2009/07--2013/06  School of Psychology, Central China Normal University, Lecturer.
[2009年7月至2013年6月 华中师范大学2003网站太阳集团,讲师]

Students Training:

Courses:Psychological Statistics, Experimental design and programming, General Psychology, The Research Methods of Cognitive Neuroscience.

Teaching research projects and teaching materials:
   Teaching Research Projects:
Experimental Teaching Reform Research and Practice Exploration of Psychology Undergraduate Majors, Education Reform Project of Psychology Teaching Steering Committee of Higher Education Ministry of Education (20222023), Director, 2022.07-2024.06.
Construction of EEG Experimental Teaching Programming Resources Based on Creative Problem Solving Research; Scientific Research Achievements Transformed into Experimental Teaching Project in CCNU (CCNU18KYZHSY24 and CCNU20KYZHSY15), director, 2018 and 2020, 40000 yuan.
Construction of virtual community experiment platform for interpersonal interaction; Scientific Research Achievements Transformed into Experimental Teaching Project in CCNU (CCNU16KYZHSY19), director, 2016, 20000 yuan.
Participating in editing textbooks:《The manual of Psychological experimental design and programming》,《The manual of Cognitive Neuroscience》

Academic part-time job:
Deputy Director of Neuropsychology Professional Committee of Chinese Psychological Society
The vice secretary-general of the Youth working committee of China Creative Studies Institute
Council member of Learning Science Research Branch of China Association of Higher Education
Council member of Social Cognition Branch of China Cognitive Science Society
The vice secretary-general of the China Creativity Research Collaboration Group
The Director of Teaching Work Committee of the Psychological Society of Hubei Province
Council member of Psychological Society of Wuhan City
The Review Editor for Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition
[《Frontiers in Psychology: Cognition》杂志评审编辑]
The reviewer of NeuroImage, Computers in Human Behavior, Biological Psychology, Frontiers in Psychology, Neuroscience Letters, Brain Imaging and Behavior, Scientific Reports, Neuroscience, Psych Journal, Children and Youth Services Review, Science Bulletin, Neuropsychologia, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Psychological Science, Advances in Psychological Science.
[《NeuroImage》《Computers in Human Behavior》《Biological Psychology》《Frontiers in Psychology》《Neuroscience Letters》《Brain Imaging and Behavior》《Scientific Reports》《Neuroscience》《Psych Journal》《Children and Youth Services Review》《Neuropsychologia》《科学通报》《心理学报》《心理科学》和《心理科学进展》审稿人]

Hosting scientific projects:
1、Research on the Key factors and neuropsychological mechanism of teacher-student real-time interaction to promote the effect of online teaching. The Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research and Planning Fund Project (22YJA190013), Director, 2023-2025, 100000 yuan.
2、Research on students' innovative learning mode and key assistant technology based on network interaction. Financially supported by self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU19ZN022), Director, 2019-2020, 150000 yuan.
3、“Intelligent Learning and Cognition” Youth Academic Innovation Team. Financially supported by self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU19TD019), PI, 2019-2020, 170000 yuan.
4、Dynamic neural processing model for creative problem solving. National Natural Science Foundation Youth Program (31400875).Director, 2014-2017, 240000 yuan.
5、Study on information organization and processing mode of brain under cognitive task state. Ministry of Education Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Project (10YJCXLX06). Director, 2011-2013, 70000 yuan.
[认知任务状态下大脑的信息组织加工模式研究。教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目(10YJCXLX065),负责人,2011-2013年, 7万元。]
6、Cognitive neural processing of individuals and groups in creative learning. Cognitive Nerve and Learning National Key Laboratory Open Subject Key Project (CNLZD1604). Director, 2017-2018, 100000 yuan.
7、The cognitive neural mechanism of picture and text integration in multimedia learning. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU16A06020). Director, 2016, 20000 yuan.
8、The role of Internet language use in the creative development of teenagers. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU15A02041). Director, 2015, 50000yuan.
9、The characteristics of adolescent network language use and its influence on speech creation and emotion regulation. Key Laboratory of Adolescent Network Psychology and Behavior Open Subject. Director, 2014, 20000yuan.
10、Study on the role of temporal occipital union in multimedia learning. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU13A05043). Director, 2013, 30000yuan.
11、Study on the selection preference and cognitive neural mechanism of adolescent knowledge acquisition.Key Laboratory of Adolescent Network Psychology and Behavior Open Subject (2012B06). Director, 2012, 20000yuan.
12、Brain processing mechanisms resulting from holistic and local representations.Projects Funded by the DanGui Project of central China Normal University(09DG001). Director, 2009, 20000yuan.
Participation research project:
1.Research on factors influencing the formation of young people's innovative ideas; Psychological mechanisms and neural bases. Surface of the State Natural Science Fund Projects(31471000). Participator, 2015-2018.
2.Group behavior analysis and event situational awareness based on behavioral psychodynamic model. The "863" National Project(2014AA015103). Participator, 2014-2016.
3.Study on time perception based on spatial location coding.Surface of the State Natural Science Fund Projects(31170979). Participator, 2012-2015.
4.Study on the physiological mechanism of the hipposideros armiger' adaptation to doppler shift compensation behavior.National natural science foundation youth program(31000959). Participator, 2011-2013.
5.A study on the mechanism of the recognition and processing of different patterns of acoustic signals by the hypothalamus neurons of the hipposideros armiger. Surface of the State Natural Science Fund Projects(31070971). Participator, 2011-2013.
6.Research on the information processing mode of brain resting state network by physical and mental regulation. Surface of the State Natural Science Fund Projects(60971096). Participator, 2010-2012.
7.Research on video personalized application mode of online teaching. The National Education Research Project(BBA150048 ), Participator, 2016-2018.
8.Intercultural studies of children's social creativity: Based on the comparison between eastern and western cultures.The National Education Research Project (CDA110106), Participator, 2011-2013.
9.The role of metacognition monitoring in the network environment to open problem solving.The Ministry of Education's Humanities and Social Sciences Research and Planning Fund Project(14YJA190014),Participator, 2014-2016.
[网络环境下元认知监控指导对开放式问题解决的作用。教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目(14YJA190014),参与者,2014 -2016年。]
10.Study on the construction of "family culture" and the healthy and sustainable development of private enterprises. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU14Z02015). Participator, 2015-2017.
11.Adolescent network information processing and learning. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU15ZD013). Participator, 2015-2016.
12.Chinese people's social cognition and cultural identity. Self-determined research funds of CCNU from the colleges’ basic research and operation of MOE (CCNU15Z02001). Participator, 2015-2017.


Published Papers:
1、Liang, Z., Ga, R.M., Bai, H., Zhao, Q.B.*, Wang, G.X., Lai, Q., Chen, S.*, Yu, Q.L., & Zhou, Z.J. (2024) Teaching expectancy improves video-based learning: Evidence from eye-movement synchronization, British Journal of Educational Technology, Accepted.
2、Zhao, Q.B., Guo, F., Chen, X.M., Chen, Y., Liang, Z., Yu, Q.L., & Zhou, Z.J. (2024) The advantage of novel solutions on subsequent memory in insight problems, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts.
3、Huang, F.R.*, Fu, X.Q., Song, J.Q., Ren, J.Y, Li, F.H., & Zhao, Q.B. (2024) Divergent thinking benefits from functional antagonism of the left IFG and right TPJ: a transcranial direct current stimulation study, Cerebral Cortex, 34(2), bhad531
5、Zhao, Q.B. *, Guo, F., Chen, X.M., Chen, Y., Liang, Z., Yu, Q.L., & Zhou, Z.J. (2024) The advantage of novel solutions on subsequent memory in insight problems, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Advance online publication.
6、Chen, S., Qiu, D.Q.*, Li, X., & Zhao, Q.B. *(2023) Discrepancies in Adolescent–Parent Perceptions of Parental Phubbing and Their Relevance to Adolescent Smartphone Dependence: The Mediating Role of Parent–Child Relationship, Behavioral Science, 13, 888.
7、 Zeng, Z.C., Chen, X.M., Liu, Y.Z., Liang, Z., Zhao, Q.B.*, & Yu, Q.L. (2022) Novelty seeking on creative behavior performance: the mediating role of semantic network, Psychological Science, 45(5): 1037-1044
[曾芷橙,陈雪梅,刘英芝,梁正,赵庆柏*,于全磊(2022)新颖性寻求对创造性行为表现的影响:语义网络的中介作用,心理科学,45(5): 1037-1044]
8、Zhao, Q.B.*, Li, Y., Li, S.Q., Liang, Z., Chen, S., Ga, R.M., Yu, Q.L.*, & Zhou, Z.J.* (2022) A Study on the Relationship between the Dynamic Behaviors of the Leader and Group Performance during Creativity, Journal of Intelligence, 10: 87.
9、Liang, Z.#, Li, S.Q.#, Zhou, S.Y.#, Chen, S., Li, Y., Chen, Y.R., Zhao, Q.B.*, Huang, F.R.*, Lu, C.M.*, Yu, Q.L.*, & Zhou, Z.Z.* (2022) Increased or decreased? Interpersonal neural synchronization in group creation. Neuroimage, 260: 119448.
10、Gu, X.J.*, Tan, Y.F.*, Wu, X.F., Cai, Z.Q., Lai, Q., Cheng, M., & Zhao, Q.B.* (2022) Active versus Passive Strategy in Online Creativity Training: How to Best Promote Creativity of Students with Different Cognitive Styles? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 44: 101021.
11、Chen, Y.R.#, Liang, Z.#, Zhao, Q.B.*, Huang, Y., Li, S.Q., Yu, Q.L.*, & Zhou Z.Z.* (2022). Semantic search during creative thinking: A quantitative analysis based on cumulative distribution and semantic similarity of responses. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 54(8), 881-891.
[陈嫣然#, 梁正#, 赵庆柏*, 黄宇, 李松清, 于全磊*, 周治金*. (2022). 创造性思维中语义搜索过程:基于答案累积时间函数和语义相似性的量化分析. 心理学报, 54(8), 881-891.]
12、Pi, Z.L., Zhang, Y.B., Yu, Q.C., Zhang, Y., Yang, J.M.*, & Zhao, Q.B. (2022) Neural oscillations and learning performance vary with an instructor's gestures and visual materials in video lectures, British Journal of Educational Technology, 53: 93-113.
13、Huang, F.R.*, Song, Y., Jiang, Y., Zhao, Q.B.*, & Luo, J. *(2022) Where and How Are Original and Valuable Ideas Generated? tDCS of the Generation-Related Posterior Temporal Lobe and the Executive Control-Related Prefrontal Cortex, Cerebral Cortex, 32(5): 1004-1013.
14、Ding, J.Q.#, Shan R.J.#, Chenmeng, M.X.#, Tu, M.J., Yu, Q.L.*, Kong, F.C.*, & Zhao, Q.B.* (2021) Are Online Games a Blessing or Evil? The Moderating Role of Self-worth, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 41: 100915.
15、Chen, S. #, Liang, Z. #, Li, X.L. #, Chen, Y.R., Zhao, Q.B.*, Yu, Q.L.*, Li, S.Q., Zhou, Z.J.*, & Liu, L.Z. (2021) The role of novel semantic association in the promoting effect of insight on memory, Acta Psychologica Sinica, 53(8):837-846.
[陈石,梁正,李香兰,陈嫣然,赵庆柏,于全磊,李松清,周治金,刘丽中. (2021). 新颖语义联结在顿悟促进记忆效果中的作用,心理学报,53(8):837-846]
16、Zhang, Y.#, Chen, S.#, Li, S.Q.#, Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J. *, Huang, F.R., & Wang, F.X. (2021) The use of internet language enhances creative performance, Journal of General Psychology, 148(1): 26-44. DOI: 10.1080/00221309.2019.1703628.
17、Chen, X.K., Zhao, Q.B.*, Chen, S., Xu, S., Li, S. , Chen, J.Y.*, & Zhou, Z.J.* (2021) The effect of precisely defined associative distance and stimulus acquisition mode in individual creativity support systems, Behaviour & Information Technology, 40(3): 260-270.
18、Jia, D.D., Sun, C.C., Zhou, Z.J.*, Zhao, Q.B.*, Yu, Q.L.*, Liu, G.X., & Wang, Y. (2021) The role of creative publicity in different periods of the COVID-19 Outbreak in China: Taking the creative publicity of Chinese poetry as an example. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 600818.
19、Pi, Z.L., Zhang, Y., Zhou, W.C., Xu, K., Chen, Y.R., Yang, J.M.*, & Zhao, Q.B.* (2021) Learning by explaining to oneself and a peer enhances learners’ theta and alpha oscillations while watching video lectures, British Journal of Educational Technology, 52(2): 659-679. doi: 10.1111/bjet.13048.
20、Liang, Z., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J., Yu, Q.L., Li, S.Q., & Chen, S. (2020) The effect of “Novelty Input” and “Novelty Output” on boredom during home quarantine in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The moderating effects of trait creativity. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 601548.
21、Gao, L.F., Zhang, J.F., Xie, H.P., Nie, Y.F., Zhao, Q.B., & Zhou, Z.K.*(2020) Effect of the mobile phone-related background on inhibitory control of problematic mobile phone use: An event-related potentials study. Addictive Behaviors, 108: 106363.
22、Peng, M.*, Zhang, L.B., Wen, Y.R., & Zhao, Q.B. (2020) Internet-word compared with daily-word priming reduces attentional scope, Experimental Brain Research, 238: 1025–1033.
23、Yu, Q.L., Chen, J.W., Tan, X.J., Deng, X.F., Zhao, Q.B.*, & Zhou, Z.J.* (2020). Father-child facial resemblance as a mechanism for evolutionary adaptation and its impacts. Advances in Psychological Science, 28(3): 476-485.
[于全磊,陈建文,谭秀娟,邓雪菲,赵庆柏,周治金. (2020). 父子(女)间面孔相似性的进化适应机制及其影响,心理科学进展,28(3):476-485. ]
24、Li, S.Q.#, Chen, S.#, Zhang, H.P., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, Huang, F.R.*, Sui, D.N., Wang, F.X., & Hong, J.Z.* (2020) Dynamic cognitive processes of text-picture integration revealed by event-related potentials, Brain Research,1726: 146513.
25、Zhou, L., Wang, F.X., Xie, H.P., Chen, J.X., Xin, L., & Zhao, Q.B. (2019) Does Emotional Design in Multimedia Learning Facilitate Learning? A Meta-analysis. Psychological Development and Education, 35(6): 697-709.
26、Huang, F.R. #, Zhao, Q.B.#, *, Zhou, Z.J.*, & Luo, J.* (2019) People got lost in solving a set of similar problems, NeuroImage, 186: 192-199.
27、Guo, F., Zhao, Q.B.*, Hu, L.X., Fei, X.Y., Chen, S., & Zhou, Z.J. (2019) The roles of central executive sub-functions in different phases of creative thinking process, Journal of Psychological Science, 42(4): 790-797.
[郭芳,赵庆柏*,胡丽霞,费昕媛,陈石,周治金(2019)执行功能子成分对创造性思维不同认知加工阶段的影响,心理科学,42(4): 790-797.]
28、Zhou, Z.J., Hu, L.X., Sun, C.C., Li, M.Z., Guo, F., & Zhao, Q.B.* (2019) The effect of Zhongyong thinking on remote association thinking: An EEG Study, Frontiers in Psychology, 10:207.
29、Peng, M., Chen, X.K., Zhao, Q.B.*, & Zhou, Z.K.(2018) Attentional scope is reduced by Internet use: A behavior and ERP study, Plos One, 13(6), e0198543.
30、Krägeloh, C.U., Wang, G.Y., Zhao, Q.B., Medvedev, O.N., Wu, Y., &Henning, M.A. (2018) Revised Competitiveness Index for use in China: Translation and Rasch analysis, International Journal of Educational Research, 90, 78-86.
31、Zhou, S.Y., Chen, S., Wang, S., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J.*, & Lu, C.M.* (2018) Temporal and Spatial Patterns of Neural Activity Associated with Information Selection in Open-ended Creativity, Neuroscience, 371, 268-276.
32、Zhao, Q.B., Wei, L.L., Li, Y., Zhou, Z.J., et al. (2017). Right hemispheric dominance in forming novel semantic associations. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(11): 1370-1382.
33、Ren, Z.H., Ruan, Y.J., Zhao, Q.B., Zhang, W., Lai, L.Z., & Jiang, G.R.(2017) The neuropsychological mechanism of therapy in depression and anxiety disorder: A meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(10): 1302-1321.
34、Zhou, Z.J., Wei, L.L., Li, D.Y., & Zhao, Q.B. (2017) Strategies of metacognitive monitoring promoting adolescent information problem solving, Educational Research and Experiment, (4): 87-91.
35、Huang, Y., Cheng, L., Qu, Y.L., Zhao, Q.B., & Zhou, Z.J. (2017) Animal innovation: The simplest flash of intelligence. Advances in Psychological Science, 25(5): 799-809.
36、Zhao Q.B., Ke, W., Tong, B., Zhou, Z.J., & Zhou, Z.K..(2017)Creative processing of internet language: Novel N400 and LPC. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 49(2): 143-154.
37、Chen, X.K., Tong, B., & Zhao, Q.B. (2016) The effect of visual working memory of number sequence on spatial-numerical associations, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P0391.
38、Zhao, Q.B., Zhang, Y., & Zhou, Z.J. (2016) Chinese netSpeak use facilitates creative problem solving, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P0629.
39、Li, S.Q., Zhao, Q.B., & Zhou, Z.J. (2016) Neural correlates to text-picture integration, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P2127.
40、Zhao, Q.B., Ke, W, Tong, B., & Zhou, Z.J. (2016) N400 or LPC? Neural correlates to the processing of netSpeak, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P2142.
41、Wei, L.L, Zhou, Z.J., Zhao, Q.B., Li, Y., & Zhao, L.L. (2016) Right hemispheric advantage of novel semantic association in Chinese, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P2176.
42、Chen, X.K., Jia, H.B., Zhao, Q.B., & Zhou, Z.J. (2016) Computers change neural processing in recalling information, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P1526.
43、Li, S.Q., Gao, F.F, Zhao, Q.B., & Zhou, Z.J. (2016) Selective activation of distributed memory resources in problem solving, International Journal of Psychology, 51(S1), P1529.
44、Liu, S.Y., Zhou, Q., Jia, H.B.*, Zhao, Q.B.,(2016) The effect of uncorrelated speech on visual perception, Acta Psychologica Sinica,48(7), 770-782.
[刘思耘,周倩,贾会宾,赵庆柏*(2016)不相关言语对视觉觉察的影响,心理学报, 48(7),770-782。]
45、Huang, T.H., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J., Hong. J.Z., (2016) The influence of the exciting novel knowledge on the behavior of knowledge sharing in virtual community,Information Studies:Theory & Application, 39(7), 85-90.
46、Zhao, Q.B., Li, S.Q., Chen, S., Zhou, Z.J.,& Cheng, L.(2015) Dynamic Neural Processing Mode of Creative Problem Solving. Advances in Psychological Science, 23(3): 375-384.
[赵庆柏,李松清,陈石,周治金,成良(2015)创造性问题解决的动态神经加工模式,心理科学进展, 23(3), 375-384.]
47、Li, S.Q., Zhao, Q.B.*, Zhou, Z.J., & Zhang, Y. (2015) The Cognitive and Neural Mechanism of Text and Picture Processing in Multimedia Learning. Advances in Psychological Science, 2015, 23(8): 1361-1370
[李松清,赵庆柏*,周治金,张依(2015)多媒体学习中图文加工的认知神经机制,心理科学进展, 23(8),1361-1370.]
48、Zhao, Q. B., Li, Y., Shang, X. L., Zhou, Z. J., & Han, L. (2014). Uniformity and nonuniformity of neural activities correlated to different insight problems solving. Neuroscience, 270, 203-211.
49、Zhao, Q. B., Zhou, Z. J., Xu, H. B., Fan, W. L., & Han, L. (2014). Neural pathway in the right hemisphere underlies verbal insight problem solving. Neuroscience, 256, 334-341.
50、Jia, H.B., Zhao, Q.B., Zhou Z.J.(2013) Mental Workload Assessment: From the Perspective of Neuroergonomics, Advances in Psychological Science, 21(8): 1390-1399.
51、Zhao, Q.B., Zhou, Z. J., Xu, H. B., Chen, S., Xu, F., Fan, W. L., & Han, L.  (2013) Dynamic neural network of insight:A functional magnetic resonance imaging study on solving Chinese ‘chengyu’ riddles. PLOS ONE, 8(3), 359351.
52、Zhao, Q.B., Zhang, X.F., Sui, D.N., Zhou, Z.J., Chen, Q.C. & Zhou, Z.K., (2013)Neural Basis of Behavioral Sex Difference during Local Image Generation. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 45(4): 438-445.
53、Huang, F.R., Zhou, Z.J., & Zhao, Q.B.(2013)An Eye Movement Study of Associate Competition in Chinese Idiom Riddles Solving. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2013, 45(1): 35-46.
54、Zhao, Q.B., Zhang, X.F., Sui, D.N., Zhou, Z.J., Chen, Q.C., &. Tang, Y.Y. (2012) The efficiency of small-world functional brain network. Chinese Physics Letters. 29, 048702。
55、Zhao, Q. B., Liao, M. J., & Chen, Q. C. (2011). Emergence of small-world and limitations to its maximization in macaque cerebral cortical network. Chinese Physics Letters, 28(6), 068703
56、Sui, D.N., Zhao, Q.B., & Tang, Y.Y. (2010) Application of small-world measures to multichannel event-related potential activity during generation of global and local imagery. Chinese Physics Letters, 27, 018702.
57、Zhao, Q.B., Tang, Y.Y., Feng, H.B., Li, C.J., & Sui, D.N. (2008) The effects of neuron heterogeneity and connection mechanism in cortical networks. Physica A, 387, 5952-57.
58、Zhao, Q.B., Feng, H.B., & Tang, Y. Y. (2007) Modeling human cortical network in real brain space. Chinese Physics Letters, 24, 3582.
59、Zhao, Q.B., Cao, C., Xue, S.W., & Tang, Y.Y.(2009) Depression affects the brain's default network. Acta Biophysica Sinica, S1, 305
60、Zhao, Q.B.,Xue, S.W., Cao, C., & Tang, Y.Y.(2009) The effect of total physical and mental regulation on the efficiency of information processing in brain. Acta Biophysica Sinica, S1, 306
[赵庆柏,薛绍伟,曹宸,唐一源(2009)整体身心调节对脑内信息加工效率的影响,生物物理学报, S1,306.]
61、Zhao, Q.B., Ji. Y., Feng, S.G., Dong, F., & Tang, Y.Y.(2005) RTSC method in time series analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging, China JMIT, 2005, 21(3),339-341
[赵庆柏,汲业,冯士刚,董峰,唐一源(2005)功能磁共振成像时间序列分析中的RTSC方法,中国医学影像技术,2005, 21(3),339-341]

1.Teaching and Learning in the Internet Environment, by Hu Xiangen, Gong Shaoying, Zhao Qingbai, et al. Central China Normal University Press, 2020.2.
2. Deep Learning:How does the mind transcend experience, translated by Zhao Qingbai, Tang Yun, Chen Shi, etc. China Machine Press, 2017.03.
3.Psychology and the Internet-Personal, interpersonal and transpersonal Revelations, Translated by Zhou Zongkui, Liu Siyun, Zhao Qingbai, et al. World Publishing Corporation, 2014.09

Awards for scientific research and teaching:

1. Psychology: I'll tell you what I know, and it is wonderful. Tian Yuan, Sun Xiaojun, Zhao Qingbai, Zhou Zongkui, Second prize in the first National College Teachers Teaching Innovation Competition, 2021.
2. Research on understanding and generation of Chinese idioms from the perspective of neurolinguistics. Zhao Qingbai and Zhou Zhijin, The twelfth Hubei Academy of Social Sciences outstanding achievement award the third prize.
[神经语言学视角下的汉语熟语的理解与生成研究。赵庆柏,周治金,第十二届湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖, 2020。]
3. Research on the generation process of teenagers' innovative thinking. Zhao Qingbai, Zhou Zhijin, Chen Shi. The tenth Hubei Academy of Social Sciences outstanding achievement award the third prize.
[青少年创新思维的产生过程研究。赵庆柏,周治金,陈石,第十届湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖, 2016。]
4. Psychology: I'll tell you what I know, and it is wonderful. Tian Yuan, Zhou Zongkui, Sun Xiaojun, Zhao Qingbai, Fan Cuiying, National Quality Online Open Courses (2018)
5. Virtual simulation experiment of children rearing process and its influencing factors. Zhou Zongkui, Liu Qinxue, Zhao Qingbai, et al. National Virtual Simulation Experiments (2018)

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